We all saw her post blow up on social media, with anyone and everyone having an opinion about her viral post, but the former Honeywell Recruiter shares what really happened.
Freelance Recruiter Mercedes Johnson opened up about her viral post. Johnson shares she made to post coming from a place of consideration to help other candidates feel confident and comfortable with asking for what they believe they are worth. Though the original post has since been taken down, thousands of people have reacted to her viral post, some saying she's ripped the Band-Aid off the dark and secretive world of salary negotiations.
Johnson shared she made the post during her lunch break thinking she was sharing an insider tip on feeling confident on asking for what you want from a job. She said she went back into work not expecting the post to go viral. The next time she looked on social media she saw the post went viral, but not for the reasons she would have hoped.
One of the the key phrases that stood out in her post that had many people all over the world triggered was "I personally don't have the bandwith to give lessons on salary negotiation." Johnson said that when she wrote this particular sentence it was to share with people she simply did not have the time in that exact moment to go into detail about the topic of salary negotiations. Mercedes went on to say it's a normal thing for her to hop on social media to share a tip or two about the interviewing process to help candidates feel more confident.
Johnson, who is just 24-years-old also touched on her other very controversial comment which was "ALWAYS ASK FOR THE SALARY YOU WANT (DESERVE)" she clarified it should have been written as ask for what you want and deserve. Mercedes is genuinely remorseful for her words and exposing so much private information about the candidate.
Johnson says she's on a path of redemption and growth. She says this experience has taught her to understand where others are coming from because it was heartbreaking to hear other people's stories.
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